Lab Members

Lab Manager


Ryley Unrau

Ryley graduated from UBC with a BA in Psychology in 2016. She is certified in Paul Ekman’s Facial Action Coding System and is working towards applying to graduate studies in 2017.


Research Assistants/Directed Studies Students

Samantha Fashler

Sam graduated with a B.A. in Psychology from UBC in May 2009.  She is currently attending the Clinical Psychology Program at York University and continues to work in the UBC Pain Lab on a volunteer basis. Her research interests include the psychosocial aspects of pain, human sexuality, and intimate relationships. In her spare time, she likes to read, travel, and play ultimate frisbee.


Jackson McKee

Jackson graduated with a B.A. in Psychology in 2011. He has a broad array of research interests, including psychophysiology, genetics and forensic psychology, but they all tend to focus in some way on mental health and well-being. He plans to earn his PhD in Clinical Psychology, once his undergrad is finished. His other interests include literature, the culinary arts and nature.


Spencer Lee

Spencer is a third year psychology major who is trained with the Facial Action Coding System. He worked on a review of the literature regarding malingering and is also interested in studying deception. When not in the lab Spencer enjoys reading, hiking and spending far too much time on computers.


Jade Kim

Jade was a directed studies student from 2010-2011. She worked on a study investigating how contextual and behavioral cues impact the perception of pain in others.


Kamal Sekhon

Kamal is interested in applying pain assessment to clinical practice. She is presently interested in the pain expression of children, and how the judgments of student observers compare to the judgments of parents and doctors.


Associate Contributors/Former Members

Judith Versloot

Judith is currently based out of the University of Toronto, and is interested in the assessment and management of dental pain, specifically in children.  As a former postdoctoral student at the Pain Lab, Judith has collaborated with Pain Lab members and Dr. Craig on a number of articles and projects.



Kalie McCrystal

After working in the lab as both an Honours psychology student and lab manager, Kalie has moved on to law school, but continues to be involved with lab projects.



Idil Tahirgil

Idil worked on a project about geriatrics and pain assessment. Her research interests are how people cope with disabilities and the improvement of health care services to allow people to have a better lifestyle.  For fun, she loves road trips and beautiful natural views. She also enjoy going to restaurants and trying new types of food ; )